Show Visitors You’re Trustworthy And Authentic.
“Not Secure.” Not good.
When visitors type a URL or follow a link to a secure website that doesn’t have an SSL, that site is immediately flagged as “Not Secure.” And that scares potential customers away. But when you have a Green Shopkeepers SSL certificate, any potential “Not Secure” warning goes away – for as long as you have the SSL certificate. And that’s a good thing.
Safe mobile and online payment systems.
Give customers the payment options they prefer – and keep them shopping through checkout. To do that safely and securely you’ll need an SSL certificate, the industry standard for end-to-end encryption protocol to thwart hackers from getting to your sensitive data.
Website builder includes all the tools you need to get your art and other creative products found. We offer tools such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) which will boost your site higher on Google and other search engines. Our tool offers personalized keywords to put on your art website. You will be able to monitor your websites rankings on Google over time.
You will be able to market to your potential clients and keep your existing clients coming back with Email Marketing.
Our website builder allows you to upload all your art and creative work photos into a gallery for them to view and purchase.